Ok, so I'm not over the shock yet, but I have been invited by the Association of Certified Professional Wedding Consultants to represent them at the 2008 China Wedding International Wedding Expo in Beijing China. In 2007 one of our members was invited to go and speak there to over 300 Brides and Grooms, wedding professionals, and others in the industry, this year they've invited us back again and I have the honor of going to speak to them!
Whewwww, I'm saying that a lot this year! I'm so honored to have been chosen, and I'm just super excited about this opportunity! We fly out February 27th, fly for a day and arrive on the 28th, then the show is on the 29th, and they are taking us sight seeing on the 1st, then we fly back and get home on the 2nd. My husband Matt is hoping to come along with me and keep me company, and we may stay a few extra days to visit things like the Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City, and Tiananmen Square (exciteddd)!
They have asked us to cover a wide variety of topics about weddings in the United States such as how marketing works for wedding professionals, how wedding professionals structure their services and pricing, and what the newest trends are in event design. We'll be speaking in front of 300+ people, they want us to prepare power point presentations and such to aid us in our speech, and they will provide us with a translator. I'm not nervous about the speaking in front of people, I do that all the time, I'm just really excited to share ideas with them!
If you are interested in learning more about the show you can see their web site at:
I promise to take tons of photos and video and blog about the trip afterwards. I can't wait to share what I learn there with you!
Much love,