Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tips on Cake Cutting

***Photo credits to Joni Wright Photography 925-827-9051

Tips on Cake Cutting!

Cutting your cake, seems easy huh? But more often times than not, when the Bride and Groom don't have a Wedding Consultant to help them learn how to do it correctly, they walk up to the table and freeze. With all of your guests looking at you and expecting a performance, it's no time to not know what you are doing. So here are some helpful tips!

Prior to Cutting the Cake:

*Ask your caterer to place a cake cutter and serving set, 1 small plate, 2 forks, and 2 napkins, as well as your champagne toasting flutes

*Tell your caterer if you plan to save the top of the cake, or ask them to save you some slices for your care package

*Tell your caterer if your bakery is holding a deposit for your cake plates and pillars and stands, they will save them for you

  1. When you approach the cake table, stand on the left side of the table if the Groom is left handed, and on the right side if he is right handed

  2. The Groom will stand to the right of the Bride if right handed, and to the left of the Bride if left handed, so that he is always closest to the cake table

  3. Standing side-by-side wrap the arms that are touching each other behind one another’s backs

  4. Make sure that you remove any real ribbon or flowers that are in your way of cutting the cake

  5. Make sure your photographer is ready!

  6. The Groom should pick up the cake cutter (knife) with his dominant hand

  7. The Bride will place her ring hand over his hand so that her ring shows in photos

  8. The Bride and Groom should cut a small piece of cake from the bottom tier of the cake together

  9. The Groom should then pick up the cake server and the Bride should pick up a small plate and help him get the piece of cake onto it

  10. Before feeding one another make sure to step away from the cake table and face your guests so that they can see you feed one another, but more important, so that your photographer can get photos of you!

  11. The Groom should feed the Bride first (that way she can get payback if needed), the Bride should feed the Groom second, you can do this with either forks, or with your hands after cutting bite-sized pieces with your forks

  12. After feeding one another, and after you are all cleaned up, pick up your champagne toasting flutes, link arms and take a sip (so that you are drinking out of your own flute!)

  13. When all of this is done the guests will still be staring at you. This is a great opportunity to toast your guests, request the microphone from your DJ, thank your guests for coming, and invite them to party the rest of the night with you!

Practice makes perfect, so please try this out together at home the day before the wedding! Do it any sooner and you're liable to forget.

