Well folks...the polls are in, and the old adage is true in life, as it is in planning your Wedding or Event "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar".
This week's tip of the week is simple and common sense, if you are nice to your event professionals, they will go above and beyond to please you.
The reason this topic made it into our second spot for Nicole's Tip of the Week is that in light of this economy that we are all affected by one way or another, a lot of people have turned to being grumpy, self-serving, and rude in order to get what they want, which will get them no where fast.
A good example as it applies to the event world: A client contacts a floral designer for a quote on their wedding, they meet for a complimentary initial consultation, they get their quote, and the quote isn't within their budget. Almost all wedding and event professionals will explain if their quote is over your budget, and ways you can save money on the quote in order to still use them, often times it means pairing back your expectations of what you are going to get for your budget. Then sometimes clients choose to bully the professional a bit regarding their prices, sometimes their contract wording, and it really leaves a bad taste in the professional's mouth. All professional wedding and event vendors want to please their clients, but they can only do so much before they begin to lose profit margins, security through their contractual agreements, etc...
So, the best approach in this senario is for clients to share with the professionals exactly what they need, what they want, and then allow the professional to do their best to fit their needs. If the client loved the floral designer when they met them, and loved the design proposal, but needed to make a few small changes to the proposal to make it work for their budget, then they should just be open and honest with the floral designer by saying "I've done my research, I love your work, we enjoyed meeting you, your proposal was amazing, but it doesn't fit our budget, can you please work with me to see what we can do to move forward with things and adjust our proposal to fit our needs a little better?" I can garantee you that this type of approach is going to get you a happy professional, who is more than willing to do what they can to help you work with them. Of course there are also the times when what a client wants and needs and their budget don't match what the professional can work with, and a true wedding or event professional will politely refer them to someone more suitable for their needs.
A really important thing to remember in the world we are in today while planning a Wedding or Event is Value over Cost. As clients look for value, find the professionals that you love the most, and get along with the best, whose proposals are wonderful, then work with them to get to where you need to be in order to use them. Doing this will get you the most bang for your buck. Most Wedding and Event Professionals are artists in one way or another, and artists get their feelings hurt easily if you choose to nit pick them on costs vs. appreciating their art and asking them how they can help you work with them. For example, say you find a photographer whose art work you adore! They are slightly over your budget, but because of the value of their work you meet with them, get a proposal, and then if you choose to work with them you just negotiate the amount of work you can get from them (i.e. hours at an event they shoot, how many shooters they bring, if you get an album or digital negatives or not, etc...) for your budget. Clients more concerned with costs will run away from professionals whose proposals come in too high no matter how much they love their work, afraid to communicate with the professional and work out a way to have them at their event. This means that clients more concerned with costs will likely hire a cheap photographer, and a cheap photographer may be newer with less experience, and therefore the photos may come out less nice than if the client had hired a high value photographer whose work they loved. Another old adage is true once more, "You get what you pay for".
So, long story short, you can catch more flies with honey, it's always worked for us, and we know it will work for you!
Happy New Years to you all!
Nicole Lisanne Weddings & Events by Design is a boutique wedding consulting & design company for the discerning Bride & Groom. Here you will find the latest updates on what we are doing! Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Nicole's Tip of the Week!!!
Hi All!
Ok, I'm starting something new! Nicole's Tip of the Week!!! I'll be posting a tip (sometimes more) per week, to help you plan your wedding.
Professional hair and makeup for your wedding day isn't cheap, but high in value. Ask your wedding consultant for referrals to artists who specialize in weddings and understand the stress and sensitivity of the occassion, come to you on the wedding day at your getting ready location, and know how to do makeup and hair that makes you look the best version of yourself (the MAC counter gals and guys won't cut it unless you want to chance looking like Lady Gaga on your wedding day. they also aren't reliable.).
Also remember that this is also an investment in your wedding photography and videography, because when you look your best, it helps the photos and video too!
A lot of my clients ask me if they have to pay for their Bridesmaids, Moms, Flower Girls, etc... to also have their hair and makeup done, the answer is no. If you can afford to, and that's your gift to them great. But since most of us aren't made of money, here's what I suggest. Find out from your artist how much it is for either hair or makeup for each additional person getting services done the day of the wedding beside you. Then write a message to your maids, Moms, and Flower Girl's Mom's, and tell them about the artist, that they'll be at the getting ready location, how much it will cost for the services if they want them, and ask them who would like what done so that you can tell the artist and your consultant for scheduling purposes. Then prepare your wedding party to bring cash the day of the wedding to pay the artist for their scheduled services.
Another important note on hair and makeup, don't wait until the last minute to book your artist! There are plenty of good ones out there, but dates fill quickly! Make sure your put down a deposit and contract with one who is recommended to you by your consultant as being tried and true, and then do a trial run with them sooner to the wedding date.
Some artists like Monina N. Wright http://moninawrightbeauty.com/ even help with pre-wedding skin preparation and regimes so that your skin is healthy before your special day. I go to her for skin care and she's fabulous! I also refer her to my clients for wedding day hair and makeup, and I haven't had an unsatisfied client yet!
I hope this helps you put your best face forward on your special wedding day!
Much love, Happy Holidays, Happy New Years!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
It's Black Friday at Nicole Lisanne Weddings & Events by Design!!!
Hi Everyone!
I don't know anyone who doesn't love a Black Friday sale!
I don't know anyone who doesn't love a Black Friday sale!
With the holidays just around the corner, we decided to jump in and help you celebrate by participating in a little thing called Black Friday!
For all clients (wedding and personal and corporate), we are having a HUGE Black Friday sale on our services!
Book by Tuesday November 30th and recieve 50% off our regular priced services*!
Contact us today to learn more by calling 408-370-4997 and leave a message if we don't pick up, or e-mail us which is best at appointments@nicolelisanne.com.
We look forward to speaking to you soon!
Nicole and Team
*This offer is not valid with any other offer
Monday, November 22, 2010
I Love Kim + Jason featured on Kate Harrison Photography's Blog!
Dear All,
We love Kim + Jason, one of our fabu couples married just recently at a private estate in Aptos. Kate Harrison Photography did an amazing job capturing their beautiful and unique wedding day! See here!:
Love lots,
Nicole and Team
We love Kim + Jason, one of our fabu couples married just recently at a private estate in Aptos. Kate Harrison Photography did an amazing job capturing their beautiful and unique wedding day! See here!:
Love lots,
Nicole and Team
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
NLWED Featured in Bride's Northern California for our Musical Taste!
We are proud to be featured in Bride's Northern California Fall/Winter issue for an article I was interviewed for regarding wedding music!
Thanks Kate of Kate Webber Photography (http://www.katewebber.com/) for getting me these great scans!
Love, Nicole
Thanks Kate of Kate Webber Photography (http://www.katewebber.com/) for getting me these great scans!
Love, Nicole
Christine and Rich's 9.10.10 Private Estate Wedding Unveiled by The Memory Journalists!
We are blessed when we have a couple as sweet and charming as Christine and Rich. On 9.10.10 at a beautiful private estate in Aptos, CA, we were lucky enough to do just that. I'm proud to have worked with such an amazing and fun wedding photographer as The Memory Journalists (don't you love their name!). Jennifer at The Memory Journalists was kind enough to post a beautiful blog about this wedding here:
Where I am proud to say we got this rave review:
"we were able to spend time with Nicole, their event designer - who by the way is so majorly awesome and made the entire wedding happen in just a mere blink of her eye...kind of like a "Jeannie in a bottle". She seemed to work magic. "
Thanks guys! ***Blush***
Love, Nicole & Team
Where I am proud to say we got this rave review:
"we were able to spend time with Nicole, their event designer - who by the way is so majorly awesome and made the entire wedding happen in just a mere blink of her eye...kind of like a "Jeannie in a bottle". She seemed to work magic. "
Thanks guys! ***Blush***
Love, Nicole & Team
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sweet Deal on Day of Wedding Coordination!!!
*Design collaboration with http://www.preciousandblooming.com/
For a limited time only Nicole Lisanne Weddings & Events by Design is offering a special of Wedding Day Coordination. Valued regularly at $2,800 and above, we are offering it for $1,400 for all new wedding bookings by 9/30/2010!
This package includes but is not limited to:
*Complimentary advice, review of vendor proposals, referrals to vendors, and access to our online planning system
*A site visit timeline meeting
*Creation of professional site layouts and timeline documents
*A final wrap up meeting before the wedding to finalize site layouts and documents
*Communication of details to your wedding vendors before the wedding
*Coordination of rehearsal
*Setup , coordination, and wrap up of your wedding day
We offer complimentary initial consultations in person at our design studio in downtown Campbell at your convenience. Contact us today for an appointment: 408-370-4997 or appointments@nicolelisanne.com .
We look forward to speaking to you soon!
Nicole and Team
Thursday, July 15, 2010
We've been featured on Pink Book Blog!!!
***Thanks for the beautiful photography from Meg Perotti www.megperotti.com/blog
We're proud to annouce that we've been featured on Pink Book Blog for Kelsey and Jason's Wedding! We had an amazing team of wedding professionals to help us produce this beautiful event! Thank you guys! Enjoy!
Nicole & Team
We're proud to annouce that we've been featured on Pink Book Blog for Kelsey and Jason's Wedding! We had an amazing team of wedding professionals to help us produce this beautiful event! Thank you guys! Enjoy!
Nicole & Team
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Topic: How Wedding Professionals Can Work Better With Wedding Consultants Designers
Although it isn’t common practice yet amongst all Brides and Grooms, it should be. What am I talking about? Hiring a Wedding Consultant Designer! This should be one of the necessary wedding professionals booked by couples, in fact, it should be the first person they book since they are the ones that can help the couple set their budget, a planning schedule, find a venue, develop a wedding professional team, design the event, and execute the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and entire wedding day. So, if you were to ask me what is the first step a wedding professional can take to better work with a Wedding Consultant and Designer, my answer would be, ask your couples “Who is your Wedding Consultant?”…not “Do you have a Wedding Consultant?”… because that would insinuate that they don’t really need one, but they do! And so do you!
The benefits to a Wedding Professional of having a client with a Wedding Consultant Designer are endless. First, the client will know their budget. How many times, especially now (and I won’t say it…but you know what I’m insinuating), do we as wedding professionals have to prove to our clients that we are worth what we charge? Well, clients that work with a Wedding Consultant first build a realistic budget based on their needs and expectations, and the industry averages. This means that when the consultant refers them to you, they are coming to you knowing that you are in their budget, that they like your work, that you are available for their day, JACKPOT! How can you not book them? We do all of the legwork for you so that you get perfect fit clients, wasting less time with the wrong ones, and more time spent on the perfect ones.
So, let’s say that you’ve got this first step down; your clients are booking consultants. A lot of wedding professionals don’t understand exactly the types of consultants out there, what they can do for their clients, how much they will charge their clients, if they expect kick backs from the wedding professionals…etc….
There are several different ways wedding consultants call themselves:
1.Wedding Consultants – this is what I call myself simply because I am a wedding consultant who coordinates and plans, I also am a designer!
2.Wedding Consultant Designers – exactly like what it sounds, they will work hand in hand with their wedding professional team to not only coordinate and plan, but also design, not all do this, the ones that do are typically higher end consultants.
3.Wedding Coordinators – they are just like wedding consultants, they just choose to call themselves this
4.Wedding Planners – same thing here
Wedding Consultants can do as little or as much for their clients as they need. I know this is a broad definition, but it is true. One thing that is confusing for some wedding professionals is that we all offer our services a little bit differently. For example, we offer a menu style of services and prices for our clients to choose from, thus making each service custom. Some of our counterparts use packages of services, either basic, partial, or full, or full with design. Others may do only full service, or full service with design. It all depends on the consultant’s target market, but in general we can all help set budgets, find venues, find wedding professionals, review proposals and offer advice, some of us design the event, we can all do layouts, timelines and supporting documents, confirmations with the wedding professionals prior to the day, and execution of the rehearsal and wedding day acting as the team lead for vendors, and ensuring everything goes as planned for our clients.
Consultants can charge in one of three ways, or a combination of the three:
1.Flat rate
2.Per hour
I personally charge with a combination of flat rate plus per hour. Others may do differently. In general you can expect a client to pay industry averages for the San Francisco Bay Area of about:
$2,500-3,500 for basic coordination (what some people call “day of”, but I’ll get to that later)
$3,500-5,500 for partial coordination
$7,500-9,500 + for full coordination
One thing that is a battle for both Wedding Consultants, and is confusing to answer for wedding pros, is when their clients say to them “I don’t need a wedding consultant, our site coordinator, caterer, dj, friend of the family, Bridesmaids and Groomsmen, Mom, etc…,is doing it for us”. I won’t focus on the obvious reasons why a friend of the family, Bridesmaid or Groomsmen, Mom, Aunt, or whomever shouldn’t be coordinating their wedding, but I will load you with a few factoids to share with your clients on the difference between a personal Wedding Consultant Designer, Site Coordinator, Catering Manager, and DJ:
Site Coordinators are some of my best friends, so this is not to knock them; this is just to educate wedding professionals on how to understand the difference between them and professional personal Wedding Consultants Designers;
-Site Coordinators are first and foremost salespersons for the location
-Their main duty is to provide what the site has promised, and to protect the site
-Some may do site layouts simply because it’s easy for them to do since they have software, and the correct layouts for it, but consultants usually approve, or enhance those layouts
-Many of them offer a BEO “Banquet Event Order” to the client that has a small broken down timeline of the basics, most will not do a detailed timeline customized to the client’s day
-They will be there the day of the wedding, and some of them do offer to coordinate vendor arrivals, and set up personal items such as favors, menus, etc…but they generally don’t have professional training as a wedding consultant or designer, and typically stay until the site’s obligations are up which is usually after the food hits the tables, and they rely on your DJ to coordinate the rest after they leave
-Their job is not to answer all of your questions leading up to the wedding day about anything and everything, that would be a personal consultant’s job
-They will not attend wedding professional meetings with the client
-They will not review proposals or negotiate contracts for the client
-They do not work out in the field at different locations with different vendors all of the time, so they are limited to the knowledge they have from in house experience, and their vendor list which may be paid (unethical if you ask me), or old and outdated, which means they may not know the best wedding professionals to refer, or the best resources out there for a client’s event.
Catering Managers are awesome amazing people! I don't want their job at all! And most don't want mine=)
-A Catering Manager's first responsibility is to manage the food and beverage service on the day of the wedding
-Most also manage the rentals, set up, and tear down
-They coordinate with the wedding consultant and the vendor team to make sure that their food timing works with the flow of the wedding day
-Some of them offer to do light set up of personal items
-Most of them do not have the band width along with managing their staff to run the whole day's events, and that's simply not their job
-A Catering Manager is not a wedding consultant and shouldn't have to answer all un-food and beverage related questions from the client before the wedding
DJs are awesome, a good classy DJ can make a big difference on a wedding day! They are big team players!
-A DJ’s responsibility is to be the one that helps make verbal cues that move guests from one space, or event, to another
-A DJ is at their booth; they can not, and should not leave the booth multiple times to coordinate the day, or they will lack at their job
-A DJ should take their cues from a partnership in timeline management with the Wedding Consultant who is feeling out the crowd, and appropriately managing the flow of the day, keeping a pulse on everything that counts in timeline management such as keeping touch with the banquet captain so that food timing coincides with everything else, the couple’s wishes…and so much more
-A DJ can help draw up the ingredients and flow of the day, but the real timeline should be a collaboration lead by a Wedding Consultant, and enhanced by the other wedding professional’s input
-A DJ, just like a Site Coordinator, is not responsible for answering all of a client’s wedding-related questions leading up to the day, they are only responsible for helping with ingredients, flow, and of course music!
Another topic of interest is “day of coordination”. Watch out because I’m about to educate you on this topic finally so that you understand it, and can help us abolish this terminology! It’s best if it is called “basic coordination”, “day of management”, or whatever else, just not “day of”, as it’s misleading. The name “day of” infers that a client can hire a Wedding Consultant to just meet with them once, show up on the day of the wedding, and coordinate it all perfectly. That’s just not possible. Here’s the bare minimum any professional Wedding Consultant should offer to their clients to do a good job for them, and uphold standards in our industry:
*Complimentary initial consultation to get to know the client before booking
*Site walkthrough and timeline planning meeting 1-3 months in advance of the day at the venue with the vendor team as necessary
*Review of vendor contracts to make sure they coincide with the flow of the day (i.e.how many hours does the photography work that day, are we fitting all of the most important things into that time frame with our timeline plan?)
*Creation of a professional, detailed timeline and supporting documents such as a packing list of items that the client needs to provide for set up; a clean up list of what to do with it after the wedding; a list of the wedding professionals and their contact information for before the day and the day of; a list of the special people helping with the wedding such as ushers, toast givers, the Bride and Groom’s point of contacts for the day, photo helpers and their contact information; a set up list that helps our assistants execute load in and set up perfectly to the client’s wishes; a flow of the ceremony details, etc…
*Creation of a professional site layout that mentions where every table and chair go, what size the tables are, what color linens might be going on them, where florals go, where musicians go, where are outlets, etc….
*Management of set up items before rehearsal to get them from the client so that they no longer have to worry about them
*Coordination of the rehearsal with or without the officiant to help the family members and friends involved learn how to sit, stand and walk at the ceremony. Also giving out a timeline for the next day and their emergency contact information just in case.
*On the wedding day, wedding professional management and troubleshooting during set up, set up of personal items, direction of all set up tables, chairs, lighting, florals, etc…, management of wedding professional team while coordinating the timeline flow, and wrapping up everything at the end of the evening so that the client can leave with the peace of mind that they don’t have to worry about where they left over favors went, their gifts, cards, etc…
This package generally takes the consultant 20-25 hours, and is super inexpensive compared to the benefits it presents to the client and the wedding professional team.
Here are a few tips and hints on things Wedding Consultants Designers love from vendors, and don’t love from vendors:
-When they are honestly friendly and interested in learning more about what we do
-When they offer to educate us on what they do
-When they offer to partner with us on endeavors such as outside projects so that we can learn how they work and if their personalities mesh with ours
-When they are helpful in fitting our clients budgets when it is necessary within reason
-When they are prompt in their responses
-When they are patient
-When they are organized
-When they make it easy for us to refer them, keeping us up to date each year on their newest offerings and price points so that we sell them to the right client
-When they go with the flow the day of the wedding!
-When they tell the client they can do part of what we do, and that they really don't need a wedding consultant
-When we refer them all of the time, even if their profession is a hard sell, but yet they don't choose to share information with their new clients on why wedding consultants are important! (this is partially our fault since we haven't been good at educating you guys on what to say=))
-When they ask us if they can be on our “list”
-When we give feedback and they aren’t open to it, and don’t feel like it’s their place to make adjustments to change and fit our, and our client’s needs better
-When they ignore us the day of the wedding and do whatever they want (not many do this...haha)
I’m sure there’s more I could think of, but this is a good start.
One more thing that I think is valuable for wedding professionals to understand is that some Wedding Consultants do take kick backs, or whatever they want to call them, I personally don’t, and never will. I feel that when your client is paying you, plus you are getting commissions, or kick backs from your wedding professionals, you are double dipping, and it’s unethical in most cases. I would rather charge what I need to charge to live, and leave it alone. If you do come across a Wedding Consultant that does do this, ask them why, and have them explain, and if it makes sense and you are comfortable with it, be sure you have a written agreement in place that you both sign so that details don’t get muddled down the road. If you aren’t comfortable with their practices, stand your ground, and be willing to sacrifice a potential client for ethics. I protect clients everyday by educating them on the inside out of the industry, and I would love others to uphold the same standards.
Long story short, the biggest benefit to wedding professionals of educating their clients on why they should hire a wedding consultant/designer is that you got into your business in this industry because it's your passion! Your passion is being a DJ, a caterer, a floral designer, a rental company specialist, a lighting designer, a site coordinator, an officiant, a stationer, etc...When you work with a professional wedding consultant/designer, we do our job, you get to focus on yours, and you don't end up doing bits and pieces of what we do which is not your job, not your passion!
In this economy (hate that sentence), it's easy for wedding professionals to think that adding on wedding consulting/design as an extra way to make money in hard times is a good idea. It isn't. Our job isn't as easy as you think, just like I'd never be caught dead trying to do floral design, or bake a cake for a few extra bucks, and it is a huge disservice to our clients that trust us to tell them that they don't need a wedding consultant, and that we can do it instead. If you aren't a trained, professional, experienced wedding consultant, please don't sell yourself as one. This is the couple's one special day, a huge investment of time, love, labor, and emotion, and it shouldn't be toyed with. They deserve professionals that only do what they do, and do it best. So enjoy being the DJ, the floral designer, the caterer, the baker, and don't dip into consulting for your own passion, and for your clients own good. Also, we personally stop referring wedding professionals that have started this practice, so in the end they are losing good referrals from wedding consultants by becoming competitors.
Whew, so, that’s a lot to say, but I hope it helps! If you have any questions I didn’t cover, let me know! I’m always happy to help! Just a reminder that you shouldn't take any of this personally, I'm an open book, not afraid to speak my mind, and educator, a protector, and a proud wedding consultant who just wants to help make this industry even more solid than it already is. Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Geek is Tres Chic! Featured in Wedding Chicks!!!
Dear Fans,
We are so happy to share our most recent inspirational wedding shoot with you "Geek is Tres Chic"! As a wedding designer it is always my goal to challenge the wedding world, and I play with wedding professionals that do the same. A few short months ago myself and my creative team produced an inspirational wedding shoot for the geeky Bride and Groom! We are so proud that it was chossen to be featured on one of the hottest wedding blogs in the nation! Wedding Chicks!
Check it out!:
Thank you to our team and to Wedding Chicks!
Nicole and Team
We are so happy to share our most recent inspirational wedding shoot with you "Geek is Tres Chic"! As a wedding designer it is always my goal to challenge the wedding world, and I play with wedding professionals that do the same. A few short months ago myself and my creative team produced an inspirational wedding shoot for the geeky Bride and Groom! We are so proud that it was chossen to be featured on one of the hottest wedding blogs in the nation! Wedding Chicks!
Check it out!:
Thank you to our team and to Wedding Chicks!
Nicole and Team
Monday, June 14, 2010
Annoucing specials for July, November, and December Weddings in 2010!
Dear Brides and Grooms,
We are proud to offer "rehearsal and wedding day coordination" specials for July, November and December Weddings in 2010!
Mention this blog posting and get 20% off!
Much love, happy planning,
Nicole and Team
We are proud to offer "rehearsal and wedding day coordination" specials for July, November and December Weddings in 2010!
Mention this blog posting and get 20% off!
Much love, happy planning,
Nicole and Team
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Nicole In The Mercury News!
Dear Fans,
I hope you are all doing well!
I forgot to tell you! We've been featured in a story about cross-cultural weddings in the San Jose Mercury Newspaper!
I hope you are all doing well!
I forgot to tell you! We've been featured in a story about cross-cultural weddings in the San Jose Mercury Newspaper!
Read What Our Brides Say About Us!
Dear Future Brides and Grooms,
We hope your wedding planning is treating you well! 2010 is an awesome year so far for Nicole Lisanne Weddings & Events by Design. We do about 30 weddings a year, and this year we have completed the first 3 already. I wanted to share with you the letters of thanks from these 3 clients, they are so sweet and heartfelt, and I'm so honored to have been a part of helping them have their dreams come true! Sometimes the best way to explain what the benefits of having a good wedding consultant are, is to let the clients speak for themselves!
"Dear Nicole,
Mel and I cannot thank you enough for all of your help and amazing work
coordinating our wedding! The night was flawless - the best of our lives
and one that we will never forget. Thank you for making the night run so
smoothly, being so kind, relaxed and professional, making sure we were
taken care of, and managing all of the vendors. The wedding would not have
been this amazing without you! Besides being so talented at what you do,
you are also a beautiful person - so kind, with great taste. I hope you
consider me a friend and I hope to work with you again! I wish you all the
best - a life of great happiness and success. Thank you for giving me and
Mel the night of our dreams. Love, Tomiko"
"Dear Nicole,
You are amazing! There is absolutely no way we could have pulled this
wedding off without you. You are so thoughtful, thorough, and completely in
control at all times..it made Paul and I feel at ease. You are a one of a
kind and so professional, we are lucky to have found you. Please accept
this gift (sorry it's so late) as our appreciate for everything you did
for us. Our wedding was more than we ever imagined and none of it would
have been possible without you! Lots of love, Poppy and Paul"
"Dear Nicole,
THANK YOU!!! I don't think I can say those two words enough to you. From
the very first planning meeting I knew I could trust you with the biggest
day of my life (so far). The actual event was more than a dream come true.
Not only did everything look and flow great. I was able to enjoy my day
with Matt, my family, and my friends 100%! I had no worries or stress
because I knew you had everything taken care of. Having heard from other
friends who got married, I know what a gift that is. Thank you for your
professionalism and also your friendship. You are the best at what you do!
Love, Gina and Matt"
If you would like to learn more about how we can help you enjoy your special day 100%, e-mail us at appointments@nicolelisanne.com or call us at our design studio at 408-370-4997 for a complimentary initial consultation.
Warmest Regards,
Nicole and Team
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Preston Bailey on the topic - Do I Really Need A Planner For My Event?
Dear Brides and Grooms,
Here is an amazing blog post by well-respected and accomplished planner Preston Bailey that answers a very common question we planners spend a lot of careful time answering, "Do I Really Need A Planner For My Event?".
Read what he has to say! He's right on target, and answers this so well!
Love always,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Huge Wedding Gown Sample Sale This Weekend!!!
Dear Brides,
Who?: Gabrielle’s Bridal Atelier
422 E. Campbell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
What?: A HUGE Wedding Gown Sample Sale this weekend only!
All gowns on floor will be 50% to 85% off!!!
When?: April 2nd and 3rd
How?: Space is limited so call now for appointment at 408-370-4999 or e-mail at appointments@gabriellesbridal.com
We look forward to seeing you there!
Nicole and Gabi
Who?: Gabrielle’s Bridal Atelier
422 E. Campbell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
What?: A HUGE Wedding Gown Sample Sale this weekend only!
All gowns on floor will be 50% to 85% off!!!
When?: April 2nd and 3rd
How?: Space is limited so call now for appointment at 408-370-4999 or e-mail at appointments@gabriellesbridal.com
We look forward to seeing you there!
Nicole and Gabi
Monday, March 22, 2010
Diva and the City II
Also, the raffle we are doing that night is benefitting Support Network for
Battered Women http://www.supportnetwork.org/
And there is a coupon code for those who buy 3 or more tickets: "buy3" drops
the price to $28 per ticket.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
NLWED is a Wish Granter for Wish Upon A Wedding!
Dear All,
NLWED is proud to be a wish granter for the nation's first non-profit wedding granting organization for terminally ill patients to help make their wedding wishes come true.
The first couple that WUW is granting a wedding wish to is Florence and Michael hailing from Elk Grove. Read here about their story and how WUW is making a difference in their lives: http://wishuponawedding.org/the-story-behind-florence/ and http://wishuponawedding.org/florence-michael-wedding-wish/ . Congratulations Florence and Michael on your upcoming wedding day!
Here is some more information on how you can help WUW or, use WUW:

• Was founded in San Francisco, CA, in January of 2010, by a group of wedding and business entrepreneurs.
• Is America’s FIRST nonprofit wedding wish granting organization, producing weddings and civil union ceremonies at destinations across the United States for individuals facing terminal illness, regardless of sexual orientation.
• Boasts twenty chapters nationwide, headed by some of the industry’s most renowned leaders.
• Presidents:
• Sasha Souza, National
• Kevin Covey, LA/Orange County
• Stella Inserra, New York
• Ivy Robinson, The Carolinas
• Eliana Baucicault, Atlanta
• Mary Alice Sublett, Tennessee
• Heather Hamilton Sims, Houston
• Shelby Tuck Horton, DC
• Elisa Delgardio, Orlando
• Ali Phillips, Chicago
• Daniela FageÍ´́t, Seattle
• Other chapters opening soon: Colorado, Arizona, Portland, Miami, St. Louis, Ohio and Nevada.
• To qualify for Wishes, applicants must be unmarried legal citizens of the United States, over the age of 18, who have been diagnosed with less than three years to live.
• Simply apply online to request one of three wedding types: URGENT (Up to 10 guests, in hospital or at bedside); BOUTIQUE (up to 25 guests, in home town of applicant); ROMANTIC (Up to 50 guests, at any WUW destination)
• Wish Granters needed in all locations. Please apply online today to start helping us make Wedding Wishes come true.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Wish Upon A Wedding!
Much love,
Nicole and Team
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Christos Trunk Show at Gabrielle's Bridal March 4-6th, 2010!!!
Dear Brides,
Gabrielle's Bridal Atelier http://www.gabriellesbridal.com/ is having a great trunk show for Christos March 4-6th!!! Brides get 10% off their gown if they purchase that day! Armando of Get Your Do Up http://www.getyourdoup.com/ will be giving hints and tips on hair and makeup, while Dennis of Dennis M Photography http://www.dennismphotography.com/ takes snap shots of the girls in their dream gowns. All Brides that attend and purchase will also recieve a packet of discounts for our team valued up to $1,000 or more!!!
If you'd like to make an appointment for the trunk show please call Gabi's team at 408-370-4997, or e-mail appointments@gabriellesbridal.com .
We hope to see you there!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
You're invited to The Byington Winery Bridal Open House!!!
Experience the new Byington Winery at the Byington Winery Bridal Open House Sunday March 7th, 2010 from 1 to 4PM!
Come celebrate the fresh new look of the Byington Winery in Los Gatos!
Taste fabulous food and wine while meeting premier wedding professionals.
Wedding and floral designers will have design vignettes to inspire you!
Models in the latest bridal fashions will stroll throughout the space showcasing couture gowns, custom jewels, and hair and makeup designs.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Many huggs,
Monday, February 8, 2010
NLWED Featured in Brides Northern California!!!
Dear Brides and Grooms, Wedding Pros, Family and Friends,
More exciting news! Our second feature for the month of January 2010 is Vanessa and Mike's Wedding in the January 2010 issue of Brides Northern California!
Thank you to our fabulous couple, and our outstanding production team!:
Gabrielle's Bridal Atelier http://www.gabriellesbridal.com/
Luxe Deluxe - Necklace http://www.luxedeluxe.etsy.com/
Asiel Design - Floral Design http://www.asieldesign.com/
Thomas John Events - Catering and Lighting http://www.thomasjohnevents.com/
Jen's Cakes - Bakery http://www.jenscakes.com/
Big Fun DJs http://www.bigfundj.com/
Private estate in Los Gatos mountains can be learned about through http://www.nicolelisanne.com/
Nicole and Team
More exciting news! Our second feature for the month of January 2010 is Vanessa and Mike's Wedding in the January 2010 issue of Brides Northern California!
Thank you to our fabulous couple, and our outstanding production team!:
Gabrielle's Bridal Atelier http://www.gabriellesbridal.com/
Luxe Deluxe - Necklace http://www.luxedeluxe.etsy.com/
Asiel Design - Floral Design http://www.asieldesign.com/
Thomas John Events - Catering and Lighting http://www.thomasjohnevents.com/
Jen's Cakes - Bakery http://www.jenscakes.com/
Big Fun DJs http://www.bigfundj.com/
Private estate in Los Gatos mountains can be learned about through http://www.nicolelisanne.com/
Nicole and Team
NLWED Featured in Today's Bride for Pilar and John's Wedding!!!
Dear Brides and Grooms, Wedding Pros, Family and Friends,
We are proud to annouce that Nicole Lisanne Weddings & Events by Design has been featured in Today's Bride January 2010 issue for designing and producing Pilar and John's Wedding at Hotel De Anza in downtown San Jose, California!
Asiel Design - Floral Design http://www.asieldesign.com/
Freebird Productions Tia Reagan - Hair and Makeup http://freebirdstyling.blogspot.com/
North American Theater Technology - Lighting and Draping http://www.itsabouttheart.com/
Wildflower Linens http://www.wildflowerlinens.com/
Jay Alvarez Acoustic Guitarist - Ceremony Music http://www.jayalvarez.com/
Big Fun DJs - Reception Music http://www.bigfundj.com/
Judge Kevin McCarthy
Hartmann Studios - Rentals http://www.hartmannstudiosrentals.com/
Martizette Paperie - Paper Goods http://www.marizette.com/
Warmest Regards,
Nicole and Team
We are proud to annouce that Nicole Lisanne Weddings & Events by Design has been featured in Today's Bride January 2010 issue for designing and producing Pilar and John's Wedding at Hotel De Anza in downtown San Jose, California!
Thank you to our wonderful couple, and our production team who made it all possible:
Jill Johnson Photography http://www.jilljohnsonweddings.com/
La Pastaia at Hotel De Anza - Site Food and Beverages http://www.hoteldeanza.com/
Fluer De Cocoa - Favors http://www.fleurdecocoa.com/ Asiel Design - Floral Design http://www.asieldesign.com/
Freebird Productions Tia Reagan - Hair and Makeup http://freebirdstyling.blogspot.com/
North American Theater Technology - Lighting and Draping http://www.itsabouttheart.com/
Wildflower Linens http://www.wildflowerlinens.com/
Jay Alvarez Acoustic Guitarist - Ceremony Music http://www.jayalvarez.com/
Big Fun DJs - Reception Music http://www.bigfundj.com/
Judge Kevin McCarthy
Hartmann Studios - Rentals http://www.hartmannstudiosrentals.com/
Martizette Paperie - Paper Goods http://www.marizette.com/
Warmest Regards,
Nicole and Team
Monday, January 18, 2010
We are a preferred Wedding Chicks vendor!!!!
Hey Chick-a-dees, and Chick-a-doos!
Yay! We have been invited to be a Preferred Wedding Vendor with Wedding Chicks http://www.weddingchicks.com/ , one of the most stylish, well-known, wedding blogs around!
My team and I are happy to be a part of what they do! In 2010 we plan to utilize our partnership with Wedding Chicks to bring inspiration to Brides and Grooms all around the world! If you haven't visited their website before, make sure to check them out for fun inspirational ideas, great vendors, and deals!
See our new listing here! http://www.weddingchicks.com/vendor-directory/?location=jose#coordinators
Watch out 2010! This is gonna be fun!
Chirping away,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Come see our designs at the Hotel Los Gatos Bridal Showcase Sunday January 24th!!!
Dear Brides and Grooms,
What are you doing next weekend?
We would like to personally invite you to come see some of our creative designs, and some fabulous wedding professionals next weekend at the Hotel Los Gatos Bridal Showcase!!!
Nicole has been collaborating with owner and floral designer Kellye of Precious and Blooming Floral Designs to create some amazing low-bloom, high wow-factor table scapes, don't miss out on the tables we've named:
The Duck
Victorian Moderno
Geek Sheek
The Details:
Date: Sunday January 24th
Time: 3-6PM
Location: 210 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030.
This is a free event!
No R.S.V.P. required!
See you there!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Nicole is Helping Haiti!!!
Dear Brides and Grooms and Collegues,
Please help spread the word that as part of the efforts to help Haiti victims, 5% of all new bookings though the end of January for Wedding Consulting and Design services will be donated to Haiti victims through the RedCross http://www.redcross.org/.
To set up a complimentary initial consultation in person at our design studio in downtown Campbell with us please call 408-370-4997 direct, or 408-370-4999 main, or e-mail to appointments@nicolelisanne.com. We look forward to meeting with you soon!
Alone we cannot help change the world, but together we have a fighting chance.
Please help spread the word that as part of the efforts to help Haiti victims, 5% of all new bookings though the end of January for Wedding Consulting and Design services will be donated to Haiti victims through the RedCross http://www.redcross.org/.
To set up a complimentary initial consultation in person at our design studio in downtown Campbell with us please call 408-370-4997 direct, or 408-370-4999 main, or e-mail to appointments@nicolelisanne.com. We look forward to meeting with you soon!
Alone we cannot help change the world, but together we have a fighting chance.
Andrew of Studio MSV is Helping Haiti Too!!!
Dear Brides and Grooms, Friends, Collegues, Family,
Our dear friend an beyond talented videographer Andrew Hsu of Studio MSV Videography is donating 10% of all bookings to Haiti victims through the end of January 2010!!!
Book your videographer for your wedding or special event, and do something good for the world at the same time!
Learn more about how you can help make a difference at :
Love always,
Nicole and Team
Our dear friend an beyond talented videographer Andrew Hsu of Studio MSV Videography is donating 10% of all bookings to Haiti victims through the end of January 2010!!!
Book your videographer for your wedding or special event, and do something good for the world at the same time!
Learn more about how you can help make a difference at :
Love always,
Nicole and Team
Helping Haiti!!!!
Dear Brides and Grooms, Collegues, Friends and Family,
My business partner Gabi, owner of Gabrielle's Bridal Atelier is donating 10% of all gown sales to Haiti victims.
Please call us today to find out how you can come and try on gowns, buy your gown with Gabi, and make a difference! 408-370-4999!!!
Read more about it at:
***Also remember to go to UPS today and bring non-perishable foods and clothing, they are shipping free to Haiti!!!! Gabi and I are putting together a box today, you should too!
With compassion,
My business partner Gabi, owner of Gabrielle's Bridal Atelier is donating 10% of all gown sales to Haiti victims.
Please call us today to find out how you can come and try on gowns, buy your gown with Gabi, and make a difference! 408-370-4999!!!
Read more about it at:
***Also remember to go to UPS today and bring non-perishable foods and clothing, they are shipping free to Haiti!!!! Gabi and I are putting together a box today, you should too!
With compassion,
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